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Translate word. Get TC. (French, Spanish, German, Italian)

First to give me a proper translation of the following words get 10k for each sentence.

Exit Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Conexion Wi-Fi de Nintendo en linea Salir de la Conexión Wi-Fi de Nintendo - JonNario
Online linea En Linea - Ryukendo99
save guardar un Guardar - Carloz01
error code Error de Codigo Código de error - Ryukendo99

hampa wins hampa Siege hampa gewinnt - wiirus

error code Erreur du code code d'erreur - Ryukendo99

error code codice de error ?

*Strike out text is the current incorrect translation.

Please do NOT use google translate. If you don't know for sure and are 100% certain... don't guess.

Thanks everybody for the help.

If you think the translation is wrong and know a better one. PLEASE let me know. This include "playername gewinnt".
Last edited by hampa; Jan 20, 2010 at 09:12 AM.