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Typo, Grammar hunt. 10k TC / finding (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish)

I think I found most of the typos and grammatical errors in TB Wii.

10k for each translation you find with a typo or error in it.

1. Do not use a translating machine (google translate, babbelfish)
2. Native speakers only
3. 10k will be awarded for a full fix of a translated sentence/word with a typo
4. If a translation contains multiple errors only 10k will be awarded
5. Be meticulous
6. Be accurate
7. I will update the main post with findings so you don't report them twice

Here are the files in two different formats: - Open Office - Microsoft Office

Report errors like this:
Language: UK-English
current translation: Customization
problem: misspelling
correct translation: Customisation

Grammar nazis are more than welcome to join.

Good luck!

TC sent to
- Moggomatix
- Aikanaro
- Sipher
- gerFight
- Waschbaer
- caelguinn
- carl
- kryo
- blam
- Giantz
- ofUnknown
- toril
- slash13
- fyerrblad
- vins84
- alan
- jacob
- dave
- deady
Last edited by hampa; Mar 4, 2010 at 11:03 AM.