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Originally Posted by BlakNWyte View Post
If you want true respect here, swallow your pride and be attentively humble. Treat others with respect, and you will find things start to give back in ways you never thought possible.

That's a very politically correct thing to say, but that's far from what I see. Not to call anyone out or anything, but take jalis for example. I like the guy, and I don't consider him an enemy, but he doesn't offer respect to anyone who isn't "important" enough for it. In fact, he's extremely elitist, and will spit on anyone who doesn't know as much about software as he does. He cursed me out the day we met and I don't even remember what I said. Now let me reiterate, he's not an enemy of mine, but someone who behaves the way he does would not have been placed so high in the social hierarchy here back in 2006-2007.

Then there's the underlying white supremacy of the community I see sometimes (primarily in IRC). Back in-what-2007, early 08', anyone who even implied anything racist, joke or not was immediately blackballed from the community. I can remember "Jewhunter" from the top of my head, oh how we keyboard-raged at him. But now, someone like him could spew the most racist shit ever (in IRC) and just cover himself by pretending he was joking.

Also, people aren't being infracted for flaming anymore in discussion. There are so many internet tough guys in here making a wall of text, but half of it being about how stupid the other guy is.

I mean, with all due respect Blak, this comment was true back in the olden days, but now it's nothing like that. (I'll probably leave again after the shitstorm arrives/passes.)
Last edited by Guv_na; Jan 23, 2010 at 07:54 PM.
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."