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I'm feeling for some morbid humor tonight.

Situation 1:

So let's say you were stuck on a small uninhabited island which was home to nothing but 1 dead tree. You had with you a moderate-sized canister of drinking water, a bottle of alcohol, a roll of bandages, a lighter, and a handsaw....It was not your first day there, and you were extremely hungry. All attempts to catch fish or other sea life have ended in failure and more exhaustion. You know you won't last much longer if you don't get nourishment ASAP.
You know ships pass through the area, but for all you know it could be many days until the next one.

Situation 2:

Same as above, except you have another person with you. You didn't know him before you ended up on this island. Between you 2 you have all the same tools as in the first situation. You are both extremely hungry...and water supply is dwindling even faster with 2 of you there. What do?