Secret Santa 2024
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A Corporation is running for Congress.
Well, this one is more directed at people from the US, but anyone is welcome to discuss this.

Recently The United States Supreme Court decided to do away with a very old, yet most would say very wise law that barred corporations from becoming involved in political matters. Basically, the law made it illegal for a corporation to publicly back any candidate, so in a nutshell McDonalds cant run commercials for someone who wants to be the president. This was a very good thing, in my opinion, because basically without this law in place the American Government becomes that much more for sale.

Think about it, here are bitchin pics to help...

O-|-< here we have politician A. He is well liked by his party, and has a decent following among the general population.

O-|-< This is politician B. He is also well liked by his party and as well has a decent following among every day folks.

O-|-< here we have politician C. This guy is the odd man out, comparable to the Green party, his party is tiny, and his following among every day people is very slim. This is the last you will see of polictian C, but I included him to make it more realistic.

(\/)[ This is the logo of a very large, and very wealthy corporation. This corporation is lead by a man who sympathisez strongly with Politician A. So, the corporation than decides that it will use its vast sums of money to create an all out advertising slut fest in support of politician A. Now, once the slut fest has begun, there are commercials, expensive, convincing television adds supporting politician A and bashing Mr. B. The corporation even makes a movie that plays as two hours of "Politician B is a retard" and it is run on ABC prime time all throughout primary's.

Who has the better chance of winning?

Well, as a sort of act of defiance against this possibility, one corporation has decided to run for public office. Playing on the view held by the law that a corporation is "a person"


Tell me what you think.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.