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Drinks (Jt = spying your stomachs)
Lol, new thread because I felt like asking xd

So, what do you DRINK?

Do you drink obscene amounts of coke? Or you prefer juices, water or some other shit?

Personally I drink loads of mineral water and tea. I'm always having a bottle of water next to me and I usually also have entire jug of fruit tea. I do like coke, but I don't drink it every day. But quite often still. I also quite like juices, but they're too damn sweet and taste is so obviously faked. Sometimes my mom makes juice from real ingredients and it tastes awesome (self-grown appleeeeeeeeeeeeees juiceeeeee).

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos