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RPL editing tutorial
I just watched Skjef's little "MUST SEE" post to learn how to edit RPLs and this was my first test. (see attachment)

I suppose you're all wondering "WTF" well. His tutorial was kind of hard to understand...ish... it was for me at first anyway and I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to learn how to do this.

First thing that happens. (WHERES YOUR HEAD?!?!)
I used the position feature in relation with the body parts list to change it's coordinates.

example; the body part number 0 = NECKtoCHEST joint, or better well known as, the neck.
the first 3 numbers on the "POS 0" line are the X Y Z of body part 0
POS 0; 1.000000 -4.900000 2.590000 1.000000 1.950000 2.140000
POS = Position
0 = Tori
; = continue (for lack of better terminology)
1.000000 is the X of body part 0
-4.900000 is the Y of body part 0
2.590000 is the Z of body part 0
THEN after those
1.000000 is the X of body part 1
1.950000 is the Y of body part 1
2.140000 is the Z of body part 1
and so on with body parts 2, 3, 4 up to 19, respectively.
Notice the Y of Body part 0 is -4.9 and you're thinking (but isn't Y up and down?) well it is. But this game was programmed to view the field from a top-down view with tori facing positive Y and uke facing negative Y and Y 0 being the absolute center.
So by making the NECKtoCHEST joint (aka body part 0) at -4.9 I've made it spawn behind Uke. I don't know how it works but then the game has to adjust the body parts and it forces them to rejoin, because, we haven't told them to seperate with the CRUSH command.
(BTW syntax for the rpl file is 'Command (player number. 0 being Tori and 1 being Uke); (Information)'
so as it adjusts it collides with Uke. BUT WAIT for some reason Uke didn't go kablammy! Why is that? Because we haven't told the game to dismember the pieces yet. So you would start up the replay you are editing, hit P or pause and hold SHIFT and press P to advance one frame at a time until you get to the part where a joint turns red. Take the total number of frames subtract it by the number at the top of the replay and that is what frame you are on.
Go back into the RPL editor of your choice (wordpad notepad word w/e any text editor)
and make sure that the frame number is in numerical order with other frames around it. insert
FRAME (number of frame the joints were red); (leave blank, its just for score)
CRUSH (1 for uke); (body part number)
mine for example was
CRUSH 1; 2 (for LUMBARtoABS)
This told the game, "on frame 9 disconnect the chest from the lumbar, the lumbar from the abs, the right glute from the abs and the left glute from the abs"
then its pretty well automatic from there.
save as "whatever.rpl" view it see results. Experiment. This editing system is SOO open ended that I can't teach you everything, especially since I JUST started like 30 minutes ago. I hope this cleared up some confusion. A list of body part numbers with be attached for you as well. Courtesy of Skjef's post.
Attached Files
VICTORYbyanymeansnecessary.rpl (179 Bytes, 66 views)
bodypartnumber.txt (316 Bytes, 63 views)
Forum Posting Leader of UkeDemon 4th Dan Black Belt
<C0XY> i wrote a artical for the torinews... im proud
<m0om> <O >
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<m0om> <O>