Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: Do you want to see us like a oficial clan?
25 Votes / 86.21%
4 Votes / 13.79%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post

A lot of centuries ago there were 5 brothers on Jupiter planet : Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning. And their father Element ( the King of Jupiter) was a very powerful guy. He used all 5 elements but his children used only each one. The time passed and Jupiter conquered all the planet and created powerful army. Then he began to conquer other planets but he was captured buy the enemies. So brother began to fight to take father back. In 150 years they finally managed to do it. But father was very ill. So he decided to give his power to one of the sons. But he couldn’t decide whom to give it. Than he decided to make a tournament between his sons( they needed to kill each other. The last brother who will stay alive will get it.)
The Fight began. In 20 years first brother Wind died, than in another 30 years brother Water died, than Earth. Finally Fire managed to destroy Lightning. But when he did it he began to cry and his tears warriors appeared. These warriors were the sons of Fire and got his fire power. And he gave all the power to Dessen. But Dessen decided to share his power with djmarcys. End now this clan is going to rule the world.


1) new web site
2) Already have 50K to send
3) New Ally - clan uoy




Dessen 4 дан

djmarcys 1 дан (3 дан продан)


hammer18 2 дан (кастом продан)

Octane (10+ дан)

Good Players:

OxieS - 1 дан

Artem33 - 3 дан

NyK - 1 дан

V2MP1RE - 1 дан

Kolno -2 дан

Tr1ckLe - 1 дан (продал 3 дан)

Datel - 3 дан

ZaoozaCopycat -1 дан

flood4life - 1 дан

crash150 -3 дан

Member - edvardnigma (почти 2 дан) (2 акк aveance 3 дан)

Gammy - 3 дан

nstyle - 1 дан

MaxLien -1 дан

Nikita16 -1 дан

pirates555 - коричневый

parkin - 1 dan

Grammy - 2 дан


CLAN TAG IS [FIRE] or if you are in academy it is a[FIRE]

- Stay alive for a month [Complete]

Become official [ in 3 weeks] ( not complete)

Receive 10 active members [Complete]

Receive over 20k in the clan bank [complete]

Set up an IRC channel (complete)

Create allies with at least 5 clans ( i think we already have 4 Allies)

Become an active forum clan ( usualy we are active in SKYPE clan chat) ( i think complete)
Get 20 members that will be active ( complete nearly)

We have 50K TC in our bank also we help other members to buy textures/

NOW WE HAVE 50K TC in bank:
1) DESSEN put 40K
2) sent 10K to mcbrody
3) sent 10K to kolno
4) sent 10K to Maksimys14
5) Maksimys14 put 10K
6) Maksimys14 put 10K
7) players help to kolno with 12K for textures
players help to mcbrody with 8K and vampire relax and force
9) players help to pirates555 with some money and head texture.
10) Octane put 45K
11) 10K given to EdvardNigma
12) devided money between players for texture body.
13) Dessen put 50K
14) Hammer18 give crimson blood to kolno
15) Octane give 4 texture sets (picture) to players

Speak Well ( russian or english)

Be Active

Be Respectful

Be Helpful ( we help each other)

Do not farm

We Also have Constitution

Сlan recruitment is opened

Please, fill in the application form

2.)belt (min belt is brown)
5.)time that u are playing(hours a day)
6.)time that u are playing tb
7.)won tourneys
8.)reason to join
9.)tell us something about urself: ur interests, preferences etc.
10.)icq / skype ( better Skype)
11.) e- mail adress
12.) Nationality

Пожалуйста,заполните заявку на принятие в клан

2.)пояс ( минимальний коричневый)
4.)освоенные моды
5.)сколько времени играете (часов в день)
6.)сколько в торибаше вообще
7.)выигранные турниры
8.)почему хотите вступить в клан
9.)расскажите о себе: ваши интересы,предпочтения и т.п.
10.)icq / skype ( лучше скайп)
11.) емейл адресс
12.) национальность

Allies Application

Clan Name:

How you would help:

1) Aliens
2) Hack
3) Q
4) uoy

1) FENIX clan

[FIRE]DESSEN - Captain
[FIRE]djmarcys - Commander
[FIRE]Octane - 2nd Commander
[FIRE]Kolno - Chief
[FIRE]Tr1ckLe- Senior Officer
[FIRE]ZaoozaCopycat - Officer
[FIRE]crash150- Juniour officer
[FIRE]edvardnigma - The 1st**Officer
[FIRE]Nyk - The 2nd Officer
[FIRE]Hammer18- The 3rd Officer
[FIRE]MaxLien - Corporal
[FIRE]nstyle - Sergeant Mayer
[FIRE]Nikita16- Cadet
[FIRE]pirates555 - Cadet
[FIRE]Bankfire - bank 

1) djmarcys
2) Octane
3) Tr1ckLe
4) Kolno
5) Nyk

You can join to get new friends, if you have any problem we can help you, Also we make a lot of trainigs and competition.

Will be added tomorrow

Clan is already 5 month old. But i and 3 my friends have been playing together for already 6 month/
Last edited by Andrzej; May 15, 2010 at 05:48 AM.