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[Account] Selling the Account: Up2u
im selling my account for the last time. USD or Euro's or ToriCredits only. silly bids wont be answered.

My account:

- Nice account with 68 archievements!!
- Awsome name.
- Win/Lose almost 1.
- 5898QI
- Rank 11 !!
- All item archievements avaiable for 9.999QI and lower.
- Toriprime untill 2011 - January.
- High Forum PostCount.


Demon force

Owned by 205 players.
Total in circulation: 245 (very rare on an 5800QI account)

Elf Relax

Owned by 164 players.
Total in circulation: 199 (very rare on an 5800QI account)

- Full Body Textures + DQ + Ground Texture + all 4 Trials + Flame Particle + All Gui Textures with nice pics!

- Much Chronos and Orc Items:

And the Rest of my inventory:

Deactivated (some one post plz)

This set is included!! (this only costs $10 + already!)

im not happy with it but i realy need the money now :/

Bids only, this will go fast, so dont think that if you bid you have the account 1 week later. i accept good bids pretty fast so you can already own my account today.
add my msn to discuse: [email protected]
Last edited by up2u; Mar 24, 2010 at 01:00 PM.