Secret Santa 2024
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"generation stupid"
'ello :P

ive been thinkin about this topic now for a while and i really would like to have a serious discussion about this right here.
theres a book called like that, but im not shure if its available in other languages but german. in this book two old faggots (like 30 years old) recodnised that theres something wrong in this generation. alot of examples were analyzed by them, examples where you can just facepalm again and again.
1. do you know examples for this?
2. do you think you are one of this generation?

imo im one of this generation. not that much, because i read alot of books instead of watching stupid commics with bad language... and im good educated. i dont talk with people who dumb conversations down

example of what im talkin about:
weve got a local "miss universe" here in a part of germany. you might remember the sides, when germany was two-parted (talkin about german democratic republic in this case, aka DDR). the girl that won where asked to make a line on a black n white colored paper with germany drawn on it. the line should have been there where the border was. the girl just failed as you wount imagine ... than she were asked to mark our capital and she pointed with her finger somewhere in poland (i dont remember exactly)
^this is the perfect example of what happens to our generation

you might get my drift
tell me your minds!