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[links] why hazelbuds busy..

As I told you guys, I am an artist in real life. Hawing an grand opening 8th may. And soon after doing a top to bottom 400m wallpainting.

To include you all I now post:

The link to my homepage (even tho its still to fkn slow yet) :

The link to the local newspaper case about the wall, with picture of the wall :

First case about the wall project, with pics of old things Ive done :

And the article about the exhibition (its a coop wt a art college that happens to also be my mother)

You guys have to use a translator from norwegian to your language of choise if you want to read this stuff, the best one I have been able to find is thisone:

I will translate it myself if the demand raising, lol
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"