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Userbars and Sigs
I'd like to say that i make sigs and userbars on photoshop, so if anyone would request one, ill happily make one (please tell me what kind of main image you'd like)

Here are some userbars i have made, feel free to use them
Attached Images
Userbar1JPG.JPG (46.2 KB, 24 views)
Userbar2JPG.JPG (48.3 KB, 20 views)
Userbar3JPG.JPG (44.4 KB, 22 views)
Userbar5PNG.png (8.3 KB, 20 views)
Attached Files
Userbar1JPG.JPG_thumb (2.7 KB, 2 views)
Userbar2JPG.JPG_thumb (3.6 KB, 2 views)
Userbar3JPG.JPG_thumb (3.2 KB, 2 views)
Userbar5PNG.png_thumb (2.1 KB, 2 views)