View Poll Results: What should their fate be?
Yes, let them burn
20 Votes / 40.00%
30 Votes / 60.00%
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Originally Posted by SuicideDo View Post
the most genuine answer that i can give is that assuming eternalness exists, then we are all one, and we are all in heaven and hell at both the same time and neither at all.


Eternity, infinite span of time, endless "endlessness".

In that scope, it takes only one being. that being is all of us combined.

really, the notion is preposterous. either there is no ultimate punishment, or the complete whole of reality is finite, and not eternal.

This is a hypothetical dumbass. Obviously, in this hypothetical eternity exists. This isn't a notion, nobody is placing any truth in this 'eternal hell', either, it's just a social experiment. Either respond to his experiment with a valid answer or get out.

As for the actual question, yes I would. I doubt guilt would eat away at me.