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South Park creators threatened
By a radical Muslim group.

Before you all go "hurp durp, it's Odlov with another anti-religious thread" let me just say that I am well aware that most muslims can and do take criticism perfectly fine. However, that does little to remedy the fact that there are insecure radical prunes among them who can't so much as handle a joke. It's those people this thread is about - so try to avoid sweeping generalizations or risk infraction.

Here are 3 videos. First is brief outline of the situation, second is more in-depth, and third is a recent interview with Matt and Trey themselves.

My stance on the issue is pretty clear....I don't think ANYTHING in the universe should be above criticism and/or parody. These nutjobs justify their threats with "freedom of speech", when it's exactly freedom of speech they are trying to prevent. If anything happens to Matt and Trey, major shit will hit the fan. I just hope western media will stop taking it up the rear end to comply with people like these.
Last edited by Odlov; Apr 22, 2010 at 05:33 AM.