Apr 29, 2010
Mitchell Henderson (died April 20, 2006) killed himself over losing an iPod, listening to Morrissey and getting bullied for being an wimpy white kid. Mitchell's parents set up an tribute MySpace page for their dead son, which an lucky /b/tard happened to stumble upon and forward to the rest of the collective. In the wake of Mitch's death were hundreds of misspelled comments from his supposed friends calling him "an Hero", an phrase which quickly caught on with the invading anons and has since become an term for an person that causes an lollercoaster via suicide.
It is now known that the real reason he was depressed was that his Dad video taped him masturbating, probably to shotacon, or other teenage boys, and sold it for child porn. Henderson's alcoholic father also anally molested him multiple times from the time he turned 9. All his relatives would sit around and fap to the porn, while reminiscing about the time he took an horse cock in the ass and loved it. Nonetheless, the pr0n ended up on Henderson's iPod, because he liked to show his gay friends at school (he was only ever popular with the gay boy, anyhow). He thus blew his brains out, causing all kindz of lulz on the Internet.
His father denied the alleged charges of sexually abusing his son, stating "I only ever had sex with the dog, you fucking niggers! I just watched Mitch jack off and sold it to Catholic Priests as porn! You would've done the same thing if you had an gay son with no future!".