Today i played some few games but i got boring so i decided to lear how to render tori's.
I saw a really good tut of this a decided to try it.
1.i downloaded Blender
2.i tryed to use it lol
3.i read the tut and understand nothing because stupid English
4.Used translator
5.Understand 50%
6.tryed to understand
7.Got it
8.Spend alot of time by serching the file to insert
9.figured out how to give tori textures in blender (damnit that was stupid)
10.Gave tori textures (1hour that was horrible)
11.get a good position
12.made a stupid cube
13.took tori and set him up too da Cube
15.learned how to save the render pic
16.write all that what iam writing now and what you gonna read.
18. made a new thread the present what i made.
Because i dont know how to Change the color of the Force i tooked Tori309 and because i like the nice glowing blue lights in his set
You will see the right knee force is a little bit wierd i dont know why but anyways i present my first Toribash Render. thatha
thats what i made lol it looks cool or ?
Second one because i figured out how to color Joints.
Ok this one is somthing funny.
Why ?`see at picture p.s MAtt you will love it.
IF you dont know who is the guy in the last picture , its "Nightin" i made the picture for him because iam a great fan of him i gave him the picture whit a pm.
He said its really cool.
He inspired me to play more and learn more for me the pic was a special gift.
Another Picture (JesseD)
Here is one i made for Dex (sry couldnt remember what you want thats why i made the computer thing whit table and a bank.
Damnit i worked 2 hours on it so dont say you dont like it.
Iam working and learing how to get more peoble in a picture maby i get 4-5 in the pic because my computer sux it will be a superlong render time but anyways if you got a good idea just tell me i try to make it.