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Israeli Soldiers Board Aid Flotilla In International Waters
Really? There's no thread on this yet?

In my opinion, it's a violation of international law and it's also completely disgusting. The Israeli propoganda machine in spinning at full tilt right now.
The supposed 'weapons' the activists had were kitchen knives and chairs. Yeah, that's really premeditated. Bringing chairs to a gunfight.

Anyway, Turkey has said that they will escort the next flotilla. This will put Israel in a bit of a pickle. They have a very long history of human rights violations and generally not caring about civilian lives at all. If they fire on Turkey's ships, Israel will have declared war on NATO. The U.S will surely not continue to defend Israel if this happens. Since the U.S backing is what has let Israel continue its horrific practices over the years, they'll lose their crutch and hopefully get curbstomped by NATO.
