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+2 problems to solve
first of all, it seams like someone had my password i dont know how the hell he got it but my radioactif relax just disapeared my textures are changing for something else and for texture, i can't upload mine again ?

well i'll change my password i just need to found where to change it and for the textures who wont load i know then the problems is there for like 1month but if someone found something to load them ...

also by viewing the item history of my ''radioactive relax'' we know to who it is send so maybe the one who have it now is the '' hacker ''

for the item there is a strange thing. if u look in my exchange history it is not saying i trade my radioactive relax but if i go look on when i buyed the item and i clic it here what it have for history
Last edited by DJEKING; Jun 13, 2010 at 04:02 AM.