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Dude8000s Bargain bin
I have a few extra parts you might want, you can either autobuy or bid for them

Gladiator forceAutobuy=35tc starting bid=25tc SOLD OUT!

Orc Blood Autobuy=60tc Starting bid=45tc SOLD OUT!

Chronos force (pimpin)Autobuy=35tc starting bid=25tc

Marine DQ Autobuy=110tc starting bid=100tcSOLD OUT!

If there is something in particular you want ask and I will see if there are any in stock.
I can do trades with you for discounts e.g. if you give me marine primary I would give you 95% off, ask about other items.
Happy Biding/Buying
Last edited by dude8000; Feb 21, 2008 at 11:18 AM.