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Smod Blues 2: Electric Boogaloo
Sup guys, Remember this thread?

That was a year ago tomorrow and I'm doing it again! All the changes in a year are pretty impressive and let's cover it (the mod part anyway).
Our mod team has grown since last year with the addition of the A-Team and then the fall of the A-Team, The market squid, New admins, New Smods and the reappearance of the toriagent and gamekeeper groups. Over a year, a lot has happened.
kitfox still sucks though

  • Let's look into what Smods do.
  • Help monitor the forums for free
  • In general terms, Help people with *insert thing here* **On a daily basis**
  • Deal with infractions and possible hatred because of it *On a daily basis*
  • Deal with account issues (hacking, scaming etc)

In common terms, they're the police (DEMIGODS) of the forum. With the power and the blue name (:D) comes a price.

Let's start out with Jalis!
[13:46] <@ChrisDom> ok jalis
[13:46] == jalis_ has changed nick to jalis
[13:46] <@ChrisDom> So, I don't think you were an smod last year
[13:46] <@ChrisDom> but
[13:47] <@ChrisDom> you ARE this year
[13:47] <@ChrisDom> right
[13:47] <+jalis> Yeah.
[13:47] <@ChrisDom> How is it so far?
[13:47] <+jalis> I became an smod uh...
[13:47] <+jalis> a month ago? two months?
[13:47] <+jalis> Well, it's not as exciting as I thought it would be.
[13:47] <@ChrisDom> Lotsa work?
[13:47] <+jalis> No one's insulted me for dealing infractions so far or anything like that.
[13:47] <+jalis> Not really
[13:48] <@ChrisDom> Hmm do you think
[13:48] <+jalis> I'm mostly doing reports, I don't actively patrol any board or anything
[13:48] <@ChrisDom> that if you were an smod last year,
[13:48] <+jalis> (I should. But that's irrelevant)
[13:48] <@ChrisDom> it would be more interesting?
[13:48] <+jalis> Hmm
[13:48] <+jalis> Probably
[13:48] <@ChrisDom> Why?
[13:48] <+jalis> But if I became an smod last year, I probably wouldn't have kept the position.
[13:49] <+jalis> ChrisDom, just a feeling, and all the phoenix stuff happened last year.
[13:49] <@ChrisDom> Oh yeah
[13:49] <+jalis> As well as the lulziest clan league. Or was that in 2008?
[13:49] <@ChrisDom> I remember that now
[13:49] <@ChrisDom> Wouldn't that be more of a clan admin job?
[13:50] <+jalis> Most likely.
[13:50] <@ChrisDom> Do you like your job so far
[13:50] <+jalis> But it did get escalated outside of the clan forums pretty fast
[13:50] <+jalis> Yeah
[13:50] <@ChrisDom> What do you like?
[13:51] <+jalis> About being an smod?
[13:51] <+jalis> Hmm
[13:51] <+jalis> Having something to do.
[13:51] <+jalis> And yelling at people.
[13:51] <+jalis> And having them beg for mercy after they've severely broken the forum rules.
[13:51] <+jalis> It feels good, man.
[13:51] <@ChrisDom> Sounds good.
[13:52] <@ChrisDom> Do you think you would be more suited for another job?
[13:52] <+jalis> Like this Edsonmilan guy yesterday.
[13:52] <+jalis> ChrisDom, suited? Probably not.
[13:52] <@ChrisDom> How about interested
[13:52] <+jalis> Any position above smod is always interesting.
[13:52] <+jalis> inb4claims of me being powerhungry.
[13:53] <@ChrisDom> Well a-team takes a lot of work from what I hear
[13:53] <+jalis> a-team doesn't exist from what I understand.
[13:53] <+jalis> Anymore.
[13:53] <@ChrisDom> it doesn't?
[13:53] <+jalis> Yeah
[13:54] <@ChrisDom> Ah, it's just admin now
[13:54] <+jalis> Yeah.
[13:54] <@ChrisDom> Do you think you would like to be an admin?
[13:54] <+jalis> Probably
[13:54] <+jalis> Curiosity mainly.
[13:55] <+jalis> What exactly they do that we can't, well, how they do it, rather.
[13:55] <@ChrisDom> More backdoor-ish
[13:55] <+jalis> Yeah.
[13:55] <+jalis> And you know I love backdoors.
[13:55] <@ChrisDom> who doesnt?
[13:55] <+jalis> chac.
[13:55] <@ChrisDom> LOL
[13:56] <@ChrisDom> 1 more question
[13:56] <@ChrisDom> What do you think of the current mod team?
[13:56] <+jalis> chac loves the front. If you catch my drift.
[13:56] <+jalis> Everyone's doing their job and being nice.
[13:56] <+jalis> So it's pretty boring.
[13:57] <+jalis> I'd love more drama.
[13:57] <+jalis> But nooo
[13:57] <+jalis> Everyone's playing nice. :(
[13:57] <@ChrisDom> Moderators being moderators this year.
[13:57] <@ChrisDom> straight-forward
[13:57] <+jalis> More like boring.
[13:57] <@ChrisDom> Well, thanks jalis.
[13:58] <+jalis> You're welcome.
[13:58] <@ChrisDom> If I were you, I'll try out for market,
[13:58] <+jalis> ChrisDom
[13:58] <@ChrisDom> LOADS OF DRAMA THERE
[13:58] <+jalis> You forget that I'm... sort of supposed to be there.
[13:58] <+jalis> And art.
[13:58] <@ChrisDom> oh yeah
Jalis: He's bored.

And I have a bonus interview with DrShark.
[14:12] <@ChrisDom> k
[14:12] <@ChrisDom> ready
[14:12] <+DrSHARK> alguem br?
[14:12] <+DrSHARK> huahsuashasuahauhasuashasu
[14:13] <+DrSHARK> just start ffs
[14:13] <@ChrisDom> k
[14:13] <@ChrisDom> So Dr.Shark
[14:13] <@ChrisDom> you've been around for a long time huh?
[14:13] <+DrSHARK> i'm a newfag
[14:13] <+DrSHARK> you mocking me?
[14:14] <@ChrisDom> huehueahueheuhue
[14:14] <@ChrisDom> And what's it like modding wibbles
[14:14] <+DrSHARK> i'm the rim
[14:14] <@ChrisDom> oh ya, I have one of these
[14:15] <@ChrisDom> So apparently, you don't catch all of the shit
[14:15] <+DrSHARK> bet you don't need an external tank for it
[14:15] <@ChrisDom> One question.
[14:15] <+DrSHARK> i'm a bad mod and wibbles is a bad forum
[14:15] <@ChrisDom> Are you a FINNISH shark?
[14:16] <+DrSHARK> you mean jalis? i'm not jalis's alt if that's what you're asking
[14:16] <@ChrisDom> ok
[14:16] <+DrSHARK> did your mother abuse you ?
[14:16] <@ChrisDom> How much do you hate dolphins?
[14:17] <+DrSHARK> dolphins are gay and intelligent, i hate intelligent beings
[14:17] <+DrSHARK> AND GAYS
[14:17] <@ChrisDom> They are food.
[14:17] <+DrSHARK> i couldnt agree more
[14:17] <@ChrisDom> You were the first doctor right?
[14:18] <+DrSHARK> i'm not william hartnell
[14:18] <@ChrisDom> good point
[14:18] <@ChrisDom> What's your degree in?
[14:18] <@ChrisDom> Doctor shark.
[14:18] <+DrSHARK> human studies
[14:19] <@ChrisDom> I see, i see
[14:19] <@ChrisDom> Do you study alot?
[14:20] <+DrSHARK> no
[14:20] <@ChrisDom> no human studies in human studies
[14:21] <+DrSHARK> what about the relationship with your brother? were you two close?
[14:21] <@ChrisDom> Nope.
[14:21] <@ChrisDom> He's a dick actually
[14:21] <@ChrisDom> wait what
[14:21] <@ChrisDom> NO
[14:21] <@ChrisDom> Et ole hai Olet lääkäri
[14:22] <+DrSHARK> would you rather describe his dick as succulent and dry instead of hot and moist?
[14:23] <@ChrisDom> Nope, this is done.
[14:23] <@ChrisDom> Thank you Dr.Shark
[14:23] <+DrSHARK> what about your father's penis?
[14:23] <@ChrisDom> THANK YOU SHARK
[14:23] == DrSHARK was kicked from #interview by ChrisDom [wibble]
DrShark is really old

Take a look...
We have 6 Admins (excluding ninjas)
We have 16 Smods
And 755,869 Members
With 2,686,020 Posts

So toribash, what do you think of our mod team, Do you hate them because they banzorz you :<? Do you think they're mad with power? Do you think this year sucks compared to last year?

Interview Listing
Jalis and DrShark
Nathan Interviews AlexOwnz
Last edited by ChrisDom; Jun 30, 2010 at 03:55 AM.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?