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Foot texture upload
Now I've had two foot textures for a while waiting for the upload problem to get fixed. Let's just say I'm fed up.

The upload box is nowhere to be seen:
(the little arrow is just something I added on acident, ignore that)

To get rid of stupid questions - Yes, I have activated my textures.
And yes, I do have the FF 3.0 beta, but please, ofcourse I've tried diffrent browsers.

An older thread about this sugested IE. Well that's a load of bull. IE is the most shittiest offical browser ever created, and people learn to code exclusivly for IE, and that's probally the case with foot textures.

Besides, I'm on a Mac, so IE is not an option. I'm not exactly dieing to upload my foot textures, but seriously, I've had them since day one. The problem should have been solved by now.
Last edited by Yiep; Feb 23, 2008 at 03:23 PM.
I'm gonna go with "No"