Christmas Lottery
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My List of Moves (please check it out and reply)!
Here is a list of my moves, i've taken some hours to make them, so i hope you all enjoy this.
Please make good use of it and enhance or critic the moves.
PS: I will uptate the list frequently.

Polish Hammer:

press "c"
contract pecs
raise shoulders
space 2
contract abs
lower shoulders
press "p"

Anaconda Spin:

press "c"
extend left pecs
contract right pecs
left rotating chest
right bending lumbar
raise shoulders
contract knees
space 3
extend knees
press "p"

Foot Press:

press "c"
contact knees
space 3
extend knees
press "p"

Dropkcick Sweep:

press "c"
right rotation chest
right bending lumbar
contract knees
space 3
extend knees
press "p"

No Legs:

press "c" in both players
contract their both knees
press "p"

Hurricane Kick:

press "c"
extend right glute
contract right knee
raise shoulders
extend left pecs
contract right pecs
left rotating chest
right bending lumbar
space 3
extend knees
press "p"

Tornado Kick:

press "c"
extend right hip
contract right knee
raise shoulders
extend left pecs
contract right pecs
left rotating chest
right bending lumbar
extend left ankle
space 4
extend righ knee
press "p"

Kitchen Sink:

press "c"
extend right hip
contract knees
raise shoulders
extend left pecs
contract right pecs
left rotating chest
right bending lumbar
extend ankles
contract left hip
space 3
extend left knee
press "p"

Missile Blow:

press "c"
extend right hip
raise shoulders
extend left pecs
contract right pecs
left rotating chest
right bending lumbar
extend ankles
space 3
contract knees
space 2
extend knees
press "p"

Double Shot:

press "c"
extend left hip
contract right hip
contract left knee
extend left ankle
space 6
extend left knee
press "p"


press "c"
extend left hip
contract right hip
contract left knee
extend left ankle
left rotating chest
right bending lumbar
contract left pecs
extend right pecs
press "p"

Low Blow:

press "c"
extend left hip
contract right hip
contract left knee
extend left ankle
right rotating chest
press "p"

Polish Hammer & Backflip:

press "c"
contract pecs
raise shoulders
space 2
contract abs
lower shoulders
space 2
extend glutes
contract knees (optional)
press "p"

Acess Denied:

press "c"
raise shoulders
contract pecs
grabby hands
space 1
lower shoulders
contract abs
space 2
contract left knee
press "p"