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Tourney's and Duels
When a tourney is in progress and the last match (for the tc) is being played, all the looser has to do is leave, with no repercussion, no prize for the winner, and the tourney starts over. Which in most cases means you have to sit on your ass for another 25minutes for CHANCE, not a guarantee but a CHANCE to play for TC again. Why is that? If you leave mid tourney you forfeit, so why does the person who stays suffer?

Furthermore, if you do a duel, like I did for 5k, and your obviously going to win, and the other player leave, he looses 5k, and SO DOES THE WINNER, The guy who didn't leave is punished. Why is this game on the honesty policy? And why do you guys think people are honoring this policy. This is ridiculous. I've lost almost 10k in tc due to people leaving mid duel - As it DOES NOT return your TC bet unless you WIN. Why is this game so flawed and what can we do about it?
