Christmas Lottery
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Originally Posted by Galt View Post
Because children light up when they hear keywords like 'fairness' and 'equal probability', not realising the economic problems the left creates.
Talented lefty's (the A-Class) tend to head into politics whilst talented righty's (the A-Class) tend to head into economics. So that means that the righty's B-class is up against the lefty's A-class. It's pretty much always the case that when a right leaning political party gets into power, it's leader was a former member of a left leaning party. They often change parties because they realise that their current party is complete shit and will destroy their country.

Talk about being unbiased.

Do you even realize that what you said can be applied in the exact opposite way?
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi