Christmas Lottery
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Originally Posted by slipknot View Post
God has always been and will always be. Dont even try to understand because you cant. And are you actualy saying that Jesus paid hundreds (maybe thousands I dont really know) to pretend to be blind or crippelled etc?
And im not denying that everybody sins (except for Jesus). And on the subject of Jesus paying people to pretend to be whatever, there were many witnesses who would have known that the people had died because you cant stop your pulse or turn yourself pale. And theres things like jesus healing munted up hands and stuff. How could you fake having a munted up hand and then it being perfectly fine afew seconds later?

Yes, you could. There have been ''sanguine'' poisons like that for millenia upon millenia. I believe voodoopriests were one of the first to use those. It paralyzes the victim and places them in a shock like state, makes them very pale and suffering from rigor mortis for a few hours. It is damaging upon the brain however, and can be survived for periods up to 30 hours without death. In this condition the heart beats barely 2-6 times per minute, the brain is truly not functional and breathing is extremely slow.

Everyone around 2000 years ago may have not been dumb, but they certainly were gullible, and very easy to believe in magic tricks, like panaceas and all that.
And yes, storytellers tend to color things quite a little, like CMon mentioned.
What what? In the butt.