Secret Santa 2024
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Originally Posted by slipknot View Post
Ohk you have to realise that not everything in the bible is to be taken seriously. But if they were being serious about the world being flat perhaps thats because they hadnt any evidence to proove otherwise? I mean if you were around back then what would you think if you saw the world as flat, your not going to think its actualy a sphere are you?

This means you're undermining your own words.
You said that bible is too smart to be written by man.
So it must be written by god.
And god made earth, didn't he?
But he put it on pillars and made it a flat circle with 4 corners.
So god doesn't have a fucking clue what he made?
Oh, and also, that humors me. Not everything in the bible is ment to be taken seriously.... oh dear.
I won't even get started on this statement, but who the hell are you to decide what's taken seriously and what's not? It's the word of god, it's absolute! And it tells you that, too! In many occurences.
That means every single phrase must hold true, right? God has all the knowledge and omnipotency, he must not be lying to you. Hmmm...

Oh, and god arrived when man made him.
You see, men are mentally weak species. Especially weak that they do not know what cause they should bring. Religion makes an (bad) attemp at describing this and it somehow soothes the curiosity in the more gullible and ignorant peers.

Oh, and since we're at it. I believe in the Gaia. That means simply, that our earth is a being that has some level of conciousness, whether it's semi-conciousness (shrooms) or full conciousness, i do not know. As well as other things that are crackpot things, but quite simply, i do not force my worldview on anyone else, or publicly talk about it. It's my personal view. Any religion is fine in that manner, even if you believed that ripping your genitals off pleases your god, i don't care. Do it. As long as you don't try to convert others to your ''so very good'' religion, like that fucking psycho ''jesus4me'' in the original poster's link.

Oh, and i'm still waiting data for that single good event that any religion has brought on this world. ANY. SINGLE. PREVENTED. CATASTROPHIC. EVENT.
Or any thing it has done that is good enough to not be overshadowed by either it's hidden agenda, or it's bad sides.

Oh... any data to prove that god did indeed create universe?
According to biblical studies, the earth must not be even tens of thousands of years old. (Well. I'm going to give you a stretch. If you read bible searching for acts about earth's age, you'll end up somewhere between 8000 and 6000 years. The universe's age is the same. But i'll give you 10 times that.)
Now. Explain what proof there is that the earth, as well as the entire universe was created in this time stretch. If you do believe in scientific approach, and disobey your holy book, going ahead to believe earth is few billions of years old, then explain what proof lies there that god created the universe. I dare you. Oh, right. One more thing.
You cannot use the phrase ''it's in the bible''. You already undermined that book's content by very clearly stating that not all parts should be taken seriously. So... don't take the creation part seriously. Now... EXPLAIN!
Last edited by Foxie; Mar 9, 2008 at 10:22 AM.
What what? In the butt.