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[AUC] Pile of items
Right guys, hello there.
I'm in desperate (well not so much) need in some real cash so I'm holding this auction. What's in this package of mixed up junk you say? Here's a brief overview:

Azurite Force
Contact KiTFoX
Flame: Hadouken R (forged by gman80) - Generally it looks like a basic flame with red near the center and yellow as it gets further.
Flame Partical Texture
Azurite Force
Full Ivory Set
Pure Force
Quicksilver Force
Hunter Force
Sapphire Force
Some other useless junk. (Implying everything in here.)
Also 30k.

$14 or 200k for all (200k would take away the 30k).
End date: December 18th (5 days from now) or 1 hour after last bidder

NOTE: If you do not have the qi for a particular item, it will not be sent unless you can make some arrangements for a no-qi transfer.(which I highly doubt)
Last edited by OfUnknown; Dec 14, 2010 at 11:19 AM.