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hope you do pedo.
anyways my log ons are few and far between.
very rare with me being grounded.
however everyone feels generous at xmas XD
maybe i can get on then.
seemed to have missed a bit.
can some one please pm me and updated on wats new.
whos changed rank.
pelase updated the dna (im still elite)
and generally figure stuffs out.
i will make the irc awesome when i get the chance (e.g. not grounded)
jobo and king keep up with blok XD

and also.
can some1 pelase tell me whats up with lui and king?
aso has any1 answered my post

@clone egypt has lifted his activity alot, i say that the only bad thing is this, he contributes to dsc etc and knows whats up with the clan atm, however he needs to start becoming a part of the clans future (e.g. starts contributing his own thoughts, sparking dsc of importnat topics and saying what he thinks instead of feeding off what others are saying (brackets inside brackets XD e.g. asking questions and answering them) )
this is hard to do, otherwise i totaly vote for him as R rank (is that co-ldr?) also, orions idea sounds good, you should bump everyone down to the bottom and have a new look at things.
this generally would weed out those who didnt really want to be here.
Last edited by Sentinel; Dec 21, 2010 at 12:34 AM.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard