Linda: Hi, my name is Linda. How may I help you?
2340106593: Hi Linda. i have a question regarding my registration of my Dragon Age game.
2340106593: Every time I try to register its UPC code on that Bioware site an error shows up, saying the code isn#t valid
2340106593: on a sidenote: I bought the game on the 3rd of january this year
Linda: Let me check it, give me the code
2340106593: 5030932096821
Linda: This is not code
Linda: why are you trying to register the code
Linda: ?
2340106593: Mhhh what code do they mean then. (This is the bar-code on the back of the packaging)
2340106593: I'd like to register it, because i want to see my profile on that site, with a list of all achievements and all that comes with it.
Linda: You will get registration code at the back of the game manual with 20 digits
2340106593: That's what I also thought and I checked it. There is only a five-digit code for
2340106593: I bought it for the Xbox360 (Sorry I mentioned it this late)
Linda: oh
Linda: Console don't have code and you don;t need to register
2340106593: Oh ok.
2340106593: I guess I'm fine now. Thank you!
WTF?! they could have sit a retarded 5 yrold girl on that "Agent-chair" and it would have helped me more!