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whether or not people could do it they didnt take the initiative. perhaps you need to relook at your members and not be blinded by a meam of the past. Secondly, Grammar Fascism is really outdated and boring, please dont bother about correcting my grammar after all never needed it to get to University and I dont realy care where my full stops belong and dont. Also I used my Blackberry to make that post and it fills that sort of thing in for me so I dont have to, sadly it doesnt have the power of context so it makes mistakes. "The ONO WAT DO", was an exceptionaly demeaning comment. He did actualy tell you, it was during the time you and the other clan members were being particularly inactive. Ruadhan is taking glory for revivng the clan which he did not do. If you dont remember correctly there was a poll up asking the members if they wanted to dissolve the clan. Lordship attitude is infact correctly used, I suggest you read more shakespeare. Ruad is an egotisitcal individual, not to ride a high horse or anything, I too have my flaws and am not afraid to admit to it. I dont appreciate the way you spoke to me or my brother for that matter, perhaps you forgot that we are related and thats why you continue to throww slander at him in my presence, but I will forever pick his side over a cyber clan. So I conclude that perhaps I misread the morals of this clan as being one who werent so judgemental and egomaniacle, I can see its like trying to convince a brick wall. I here by anounce my resignation from Omega (I really couldnt care less if I make it on to your enemies list quite frankly Im rather dissapointed by this clan as a whole).
Birdflue i had alot of respect for you, but your actions at this point are undeniably childish. Perhaps you and Ruadhan are friends at school? either way I dont realy see a reason for you to pick the side of a complete monkey.<===(I hope this full stop fufilled your need to asault me on my grammar, may I suggest a more constructive past time like masturbating or actualy talking to a girl)