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Original Post
these are my moves that i found =]
1st one

1. press c
2. contract both pecs
3.extend both ankles
4.grabby hands
5.hit space twice
and there it is a 91k hit.
it is not a decap but good damage

2nd one

Hold All / Press C

Contract left elbow, left pecs, and grabby left hand.
Extend left ankle.

space x 2

2. Contract right elbow, and right pecs.

space x 1

3. Extend left hip, rotate chest right, bend lumbar left.
Contract right hip, relax right knee, extend right ankle.

space x 2

4. Extend right knee.

P or space x 1.

3rd one

Hold all
Contracting Right Pecs
Contracting Left Pecs
Grip Left Hand
Grip Right Hand

Space 1

Contracting Abs
Raising Right Shoulder
Contracting Right Elbow
Raising Left Shoulder
Contracting Left Elbow
Extending Right Wrist
Extending Left Wrist
Contracting Right Hip
Contracting Left Hip

Space 1

Lowering Right Shoulder
Lowering Left Shoulder
Extending Right Hip
Extending Left Hip

Space / "P"

4th one

kk for this one make distance 250 (not much damage)

Hold all
Extending Neck
Left Rotating Chest
Left Bending Lumbar
Contracting Right Pecs
Lowering Right Shoulder
Contracting Right Elbow
Relaxing Right Wrist

Space x2

Contracting Neck
Extending Right Elbow
Contracting Right Wrist
Grip Right Hand

Shift+Space x5

Hold all
Right Rotating Chest
Right Bending Lumbar
Extending Right Pecs
Raising Right Shoulder
Contracting Left Pecs
Lowering Left Shoulder
Extending Right Wrist
Extending Left Hip

Shift+Space x5

Extending Left Pecs
Relaxing Left Shoulder

Shift+Space x5

Left Bending Lumbar
Extending Abs
Raising Left Shoulder
Extending Left Elbow
Extending Left Wrist
Contracting Left Glute
Relaxing Left Knee
Extending Left Ankle

Shift+Space x4

Contracting Right Pecs

Shift+Space x1

Extending Right Elbow
Ungrip Right Hand

and press space or p

5th one


Contracting Right Glute
Extending Left Glute
Contracting Left Hip
Contracting Left Knee

Shift + Space x 9

Left Rotating Chest
Contracting Right Pecs
Extending Left Pecs
Contracting Left Glute
Extending Right Hip
Contracting Right Knee
Extending Left Knee
Extending Left Ankle

Space x 1

Extending Right Glute
Extending Left Glute
Contracting Right Hip
Extending Left Hip
Extending Right Knee
Contracting Left Knee

Space x 1

Extending Left Knee

Shift Space x 2

Right Rotating Chest
Extending Right Pecs
Contracting Left Pecs

Shift + Space x 8

Contracting Left Glute
Contracting Left Hip
Contracting Left Knee

Shift + Space x 3 if you want to do the Add-On
Space or P if you don't want to do the Add-On


Extra Add-On

From 7

Raising Left Shoulder
Extending Left Elbow
Extending Left Wrist

Space x 1 or P



Addon 2:

From 6:

Shift + Space x 3

Raising Left Shoulder
Extending Left Elbow
Extending Left Wrist

Shift + Space x 3

Extending Left Pecs
Contracting Left Elbow
Contracting Left Wrist
Grip Left Hand

Space x 1

Extending Right Elbow
Lowering Left Shoulder
Extending Right Wrist

Shift Space x 5

Extending Right Elbow
Lowering Left Shoulder
Extending Right Wrist

Shift Space x 5

Contracting Right Pecs
Raising Right Shoulder
Contracting Left Pecs

6th one

Hold All
Contract Pecs
Contract Left Elbow
Right Rotate Chest
Right Bending Lumbar
Extend Abs
And Grabby Hands
space x5

raise left shoulder
extend left elbow
press space x1

ungrip left hand
then press p

there you go so far i hope u like them there not rlly madman but im only brown so....