Innocence and Ignorance.
Ive been thinking, when dose innocence becomes ignorance or are they one in the same.
From Wiki>
Innocence can also imply lesser experience in either a relative view to social peers, or by an absolute comparison to a more common normative scale. In contrast to ignorance, it is generally viewed as a positive term, connoting an optimistic view of the world, in particular one where the lack of knowledge stems from a lack of wrongdoing, whereas greater knowledge comes from doing wrong. People who lack the mental capacity to understand the nature of their acts may be regarded as innocent regardless of their behavior. From this meaning comes the term innocent to refer to a child under the age of reason or a person, of any age, who is severely mentally disabled.
Example: Say a radical terrorist group decides to blow up a building in NY, so they send a suicide bomber to do the job. The bomber thinks to him self "Ok this is all for my county men that have died recently and this will bring peace." But in reality they are sending him to die because there is a man in that building that the leaders of the group needs to die. (He dies in vain and doesn't do any thing.)
What would you consider this^ as. Ignorance, innocence, or both.