Your in-game name Felix
Your belt(min brown belt)black
Your skills high lol
Why you want to join (About 100 words[must be convincing]) i really want to join some clan but noone accept me, i dont know why but, it must be some reason and i was hoping that i could join you guys, and you guys seem pretty awesome in my eyes.
Any replays you wish us to see(only original mod or regular in game mods No Twin sword , or instagrab.)
Any of your artwork you would like us to see there is my youtube vid (may not be so convincing :S
How active on forums active all the time almost, sometimes i play xbox
How active in game active all the time almost
Min posts 100 yes
Do you have a good understanding of The Forums/Game yeah
Anything else you want us to know i am 12 years old and i have been playing for about one year since my computer crashed but now i got a new computer.I am a good drawer