Christmas Lottery
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You know what really annoys me?
There are all these cool mobile devices, but they ruin them with ports and plugs and such.

Power plug? WHO NEEDS THEM. Wireless power is so cheap and easy that EVERYTHING that possibly can be charged with wireless, should be.

USB port? I don't much care! Anything I can do on USB can be accomplished with bluetooth or wifi.

Firewire port? On a laptop or tablet? Seriously?!

Headphones port? Bluetooth yo.

Proprietary port (I'm looking at you, Apple)? WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD YOU DO THIS.

My latest annoyance is the Kindle and Noteslate, and every tablet. Seriously just sell it to me with a charging mat, and I will be happy.

If everything had no ports, then for devices like the Kindle, Noteslate, and iPad, because they are complete products, they could be completely sealed and watertight. Imagine that, not having to worry about spilling things on your devices.
BUT NOOooooOOOoo, they have to go and put 3.5mm's and USB's and/or power ports on every friggin thing.