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PM me when you want to\

also lol

"Hiya, I'm MrJingles. You probably haven't heard of me because I am new here in the community. My real name is Adrian Gutierrez, and I live in Canada. I'm trying to make a good impression for myself here in the community because I would like to be as well known as Nirs, Nuthug, Mosier, Ern and many other awesome people like them. I try to be very active in the community as much as I can, but sometimes not so much because of school. I really like sports I used to play Soccer, Tennis, Ping-Pong, Football, and I practiced Karate, but I am pretty good in school too.

you actually bothered to write that for only 200 tc
Last edited by Kat; Mar 12, 2011 at 02:58 PM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter