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[R]head request 15 to 20k+ or flame
i'm looking for someone to make me a chibi zombie head and i'm willing to pay 15 to 20k maybe more if its really good

its a 512 head so there is room for alot of detail

the details:
i want a zombie chibi head grey scale so black and white and anything in between but plz wherever blood is make it a dark red

wht i'm looking for is a head with big eyes that have been gouged out so eye sockets technicaly and no mouth and add a hole in the head or something you know detailed zombie stuff and it is to a rag doll set so plz stitching would be nice

this thread ends when i get a head i like

i had to make a new thread because the last thread was void of any responses so hopefully this one gets a few

or if you'd like i can reward you with a flame instead of the amount of tc i'd give you for what i think your head is worth

Last edited by agonized; Mar 18, 2011 at 03:13 PM.
i hate you...