Originally Posted by
Again, I completely agree, but it still runs into problems. Such as the multiculturalism sprouting up in Western countries; some minorities feel their group is being suppressed, and it's their "right" to hold onto their culture/religion/views even though they chose to move away from them. But again, different issue.
Well, modern Western democracies are founded on principles of freedom and equal opportunity, which is precisely why they attract so many immigrants. Are modern Western laws better than, say, Sharia law? Its a matter of opinion, and I can bet my balls most people in the world would agree.
The problem with filtering out hazards, is it's just that those in power, as you said, hold their own view of right and wrong, of personal "rights and responsibilities". If they've been given the power to decide, then anyone who holds different views can be prosecuted. Take the witch hunts back in the day, or the 'holy' wars going on today.
Ok, care to advance a model of society that completely avoids that problem?
There will always be people who dislike a particular moral and legal framework of a country. Im sure you don't disagree with ALL laws of your country (like isolating serial rapist murderers).
Last edited by Odlov; Mar 24, 2011 at 02:11 PM.