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Original Post
I've wanted to host an event for a long time, and now I finaly did it. I hope you'll all enjoy. I do not have loads of TC, and I'm doing this event on my own, so the prizes wont be as big as in other events. Tips for this or further events are more than welcome.

Event edit: We will end the first round in 7 days. Once that is done, the judges will pick out the 3 best players, to complete a new freerun/pakour mod. They have 3 days to do that. Then we will do the final judging, and crown the winners.

Note: I might edit the event, so keep an eye on the event description.


First place - 5k + Random misc.
Second place - 3k + Random misc.
Third Place - 1k + Random misc.

Da Rules

You may only change the following game rules: Matchframes, Turnframes, Dismemberment, Dismemberthreshold, Fracture, Fracturethreshold.
You may use Uke.
You must complete all hindrances.
The mod is pigrun_challenge.tbm



Judging will be based on style, time of completing map and surprises.

Second round in 1 week!
Last edited by NinjaBent; May 11, 2011 at 07:25 PM.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..