New leader/ and co-leader elections!
Post here why you think you should be leader of our clan,
please consider all of the following, loyalty, time with TcaP, skill, generostity, and powers, including password to forums and server.
First is i
I culapou should be elected leader of Tcap for many reasons, first off, i am the most active, and second oldest member aside from otherone, i have admin powers in our server, as most of you know i am very skilled in toribash and have played around 5k games. I am willing to change the mod in our server, and do anything that is requested the democratic way. if you want something done within reason you can post a thread with a poll and see if its approved, i will not "veto" anything suggested unless its compleately imoral, im also preety nice :P
ok the person with the most votes gets leader, second most co-leader
when you vote, say why you vote for that person