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Fight, for Legend
Okay, Legend, it's time to fight for life. We're spiraling downwards and it looks grim. We can combat the coming darkness with Light(ningkid), striking down the Vigilantes who think they can change the direction of this clan.
Well, let's prove the people who think we're going to die wrong. We need members... We need activity.... We need to be Legends.

To start off, get on Toribash and scout for possible recruits. For now, new players are welcomed with arms outstretched. Anyone who looks nice, and skillful. PM Me, Hamr or Vigilante with their usernames and we can check them out, or post in the joining thread.

Also, try to post in the Legend board every few days, just to keep this place alive. The reason it's given to us is so we use it.

So, if you're interested in seeing this clan survive, thrive and not be deprived of the skill it once confined... Get active, get scouting, and pull through this with the strength we once had.
Last edited by Ethereal; May 9, 2008 at 04:30 AM.