Christmas Lottery
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TomPaine and his SoapBox
I'd like to use this thread to talk about how, I feel, we should use/not use our off-topic forum and what type of threads I'd like/not like to see.

As Fee says:

This is a watered down Discussion board. Threads must have an obvious and sensible topic with room for civilized discussion

I like to say that this is a conversational forum. A place that is meant for off-topic conversation. As I see it a lot of current threads have no room for conversation. Threads that only lead to one word posts are annoying. Try harder to spark conversation. Instead of just asking "What's your...." try something like "Let's talk about..." or "Why...." or "How...". Something in your posts needs to lead to some type of communication/conversation/discussion/response. Stop making threads just to see your name on the screen. I'm tired of the one word responses as well as the threads that lead no where. This is for conversation.

I appreciate it if you've read thus far. Please feel free to reply with what you see, or would like to see, in off-topic.