Sup. Im the bank. If you want to donate, Donate to me.
Current Balance
(for people too lazy to click link,
Toricredits: 92,424)
Withdrawals and Deposits
Ishi: 50,000
Fish: 50,000
iRookie: 40,000
Uric: 30,000
WingedGod: 10,000
usimm/Fivah: 5,000
Pv2Caribou: 5,000
MrDocSir: 4,000
Leonardo: 2,500
Erth: 1,863
Thorn: 10
box: 3
Bloob: 2
Przero: 700
ThePocketPotato: 1595
: 69
Last edited by Przero; Jun 26, 2012 at 07:13 AM.