Secret Santa 2024
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Originally Posted by Bio View Post
And what happens if someone like me gets put into a religion class? It would be a pain in the fucking ass to get removed every time that happened for the next 4 years. Same for evolution in science class. I'm an atheist and I wouldn't be able to stand a class on religion.

You would trust me, I have been a year in a half christian half atheist school and have had religion almost every day for 1 hour, its actually fun. If you don't agree with anything they say argue with them, and try to learn their point of view so you better can support your own point of view. I'm myself an atheist, and our discussions and lessons have made me a "better" atheist. And remember that religion is a huge part of culture/history therefore it should be though with some precautions.

For once the religion teacher should be neutral minded (unlike ours) and other religions should be teached on a equal standard. Just keep science and religion separate and it should be fine.