Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: What would you like to see more of?
Dismemberment/Fracture tourneys
51 Votes / 13.71%
Hotseat tourneys
48 Votes / 12.90%
Victory tourneys (most # of wins)
55 Votes / 14.78%
Knockout tourneys with weird rules/mods
200 Votes / 53.76%
Other (Please specify in thread/pm)
18 Votes / 4.84%
Voters: 372. You may not vote on this poll
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I personally think there should be less "fighting" mods and more "lol" mods like, trebuchet.tbm, or zipline.tbm I get on, and its basically always aikido.tbm or aikidobigdojo.tbm. Betting servers should be something different than aikido all the time, it gets old fast. betting in wushu would be much better, just set the frames to 1000 so there is time to comeback so you actually have to work for the bets, and it isn't cheep shots. 50 betting frames in wushu, so they have to pick right away so they can't wait to see if they noob or not. But its always aikido, more fun mods pl0x Puts fun back into the game, and less stress
^SkulFuk got me into fun mods again to enjoy toribash instead of stressing