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600k qi, millions of TC, 5 banned accounts?
Sorry if you dont feel like this should be posted here. I dont see where it can be posted. It's not a scam and I dont need support for anything. If there is another place where this would fit in better, then please tell me where. Don't troll me saying "Hall of Shame" though D:

So I checked Iamnewbie's login history, and it seems like he has 50-100 accounts or so. 5 of them are banned. I cant remember all of them but it includes Geskely and MaN. It's also kinda weird how he has been at Hectors account multiple times. Also Ari's and Tim0shka's. Now, if I put all Qi, and TC together from all his alts, he must have around 500-600k qi, and over a million TC. I'd just like to know if anyone could explain me what happened here? And eventually check what the accounts have been banned for.

[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..