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Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
Mass ling. Includes B-lings.

Now, i'm not talking about, Lets just all A move into battle. Im talking about splitting the groups, and using the banelings on the marines. And the lings on the tanks.

And, thats why you pressure the terran with the lings.

Let terran turtle and you lose. They can just out upgrade. Keep the numbers of them low, and the pressure high. And you win.

If the mass ling doesnt work. You have a load of gas to tech into Brood Lords, Infestors, Ultras.

So, I find, it works.

Usually to counter the blings I have the marines behind the siege tanks and let marines kill the rest.

Turtling is the worst thing to do, I played with a friend and he just expanded everywhere when I turtled, so I figured it's bad... :/
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.