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A sad farewell :'(
My good followers, I'm afraid that it is time for me to part from this beloved clan. I will walk away proud and with my head high, knowing I put in 100% effort into helping this clan, and although it is still struggling, I feel reassured that it will survive and continue. As you may be able to figure out, this merge will be undone, and you can now wear your unce tags again. Leadership will be handed to Bezurker and Scheczudio. I assume you have read Bezurker's post, but disregard it and trust him.

I can feel that some of you will be dissappointed with me, but understand some of the things that I have gone through and the frustration that I have felt, and support my decision.

I will continue checking these forums actively, and supporting the clan when it is in need. From here, I will probably go lonewolf, and maybe sooner or later join another clan, but that has yet to be decided.

In addition, VolcanoX is leaving epic, due to many of the same reasons I leave here. If you are in our positions, you would understand what we have felt, and our reasons for leaving would be better rationalized.

This is my final post as a member of this clan. I bid you farewell, good luck, and I hope to see you again.

My last act as leader of unce is to authorize the recruiting ability of all unce members, to help rebuild the clan. You may not automatically accept members, yet you may bring them to attention and set up polls where other members can vote.

Since when did I become Asian?