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BuddhaBlack 01 Fighting depression
Buddha black 01 fighting depression, not beating it.

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From my name you can tell I am a follower of Buddhist philosophy
so welcome to my first topic of discussion, thanks & contribute

There is a discussion on this thread about depression,my favorite topic*. Depression comes from worry. Those who worry about things they don't have or things they need but can't attain wont feel good about it, As well as other worries they can't fix. Those who desire security with your body, mind and feelings cannot be secure unless those things are met. Ones mind is related to ones feelings to oneself and to others as the body is related to how healthy one is or desires to be.

I am a person who has a lot of worry about a lot of things but first come my needs.
I am able to attain those needs which Is why I tend not to worry about them as one who is deeply depressed.

Attain belonging, health and safety. When you have these you will find a reason to continue your life.People who suffer from depression have proof they still maintain there philosophical realism, A true "common sense" thinking I am able to relate to and understand so please contribute, I will answer all responses in this thread and if it survives*, to my next.