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UkeDemon Recruiting
Clan UkeDemon has really hit a slum. People are disappearing for IRL reasons and so I feel that it's time that I go out and more actively recruit members. My requirements are pretty simple.
Black Belt+ ONLY no exceptions
You have to have decent grammar cause if I'm going to read what you're typing all day I'd like to be able to understand WTF YOU'RE SAYING.
An intelligence of some sort. You don't have to be a rocket scientist but FUCK I don't want to see "so uh, like, how do you decap and stuff?"
Taking PMs and replies to this thread.
Thank you for your time.
Forum Posting Leader of UkeDemon 4th Dan Black Belt
<C0XY> i wrote a artical for the torinews... im proud
<m0om> <O >
* Cevius[Work] has kicked Cevius[Work] from #toribash (<O>==============================O))))))) [BANLAZORED])
<m0om> <O>