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[DSC] German Metal Fighters

Our Clan Logo

The German Metal Fighters Clan (GMF) was opened at the 3rd April 2008!
We like everyone but it is only German players allowed to enter the Clan because there
are many German players who can't speak well english to be accepted at an english clan.
Don't trust the simple shine of our clan. We become strong till we are the #1.
We also wanna do a few events or challenges and lotteries, so that none get bored!
We hope to find some german players who wanna join us!
We're glad about every contact or request. Not only from german players.
We hope that we're welcome and that we have a lot of fun with Toribash.

Play Activ!!!

You should play activ and have fun playing tori!
Whenever a Member ist longer then 7 days Offline without any permission or having a reason
will be kicked! -If there is any kind of reason, tell the Leader about it!-

Be Helpfull
If there is a request for help from a Member, any questions , except of money, ask the Leader or any other Member.


Look after new Members!!!
If you know somebody who wanna join the [GMF], first ask the Leader for a permission! If it is allowed you can invite him!



After Two days entering the Clan, please change your name. (here is sample: [GMF]YOURNAME ) you can hold your name but you have to add [GMF] in front of it!
If there are any questions doing this, ask the Leader or anybody knowing it!


Be friendly!!!

There is no Excusion for speaking bad about the Clan or any Member!
If any Member shows verbal hate or doing rascim he will be kicked without any warning!


coolino (leader)
rusher (co-leader)

Join Us!!

!!!Visit our Website!!! <-- Our Homepage <-- Our new Forum

with best regards the [GMF] Clan

We sent 20k tc to ManBreakfast
Last edited by coolino; May 27, 2008 at 07:26 PM.